Come join the Hanover Area Network Developers (HAND)
for our regular networking opportunities!

Our meeting format follows an agenda, with plenty of free networking time built in. Bring your business cards and your appetite. All attendees receive the chance to give a 60-second introduction at every meeting.
Cost is $10 for Members, $15 for Guests. No RSVP Necessary.
Refreshments always provided at all Chamber events. Bring your associates and clients.
Evening at HAND

Second Monday night from 6:00 to 7:30
Members of the Hanover Area Chamber of Commerce may apply for their opportunity to deliver a short informational presentation in their area of expertise. Each evening event will feature one member presentation.
At each quarter, the format of the Evening at HAND meetings will be an Educational Seminar that is designed to help the business community improve their businesses.
Morning at HAND

Third Tuesday morning from 8:00 to 9:30
Morning networking at its best - start with a light hearted activity to get to know your fellow business professionals a little better; follow it up with a Business Boost of the Day; and throw in a drawing for an impromptu 3 minute presentation on your business. Don't miss it!
Lunch, Network & Learn
Exciting new Programs are being developed. Check our Calendar frequently for what�s coming around the corner.
Meeting Schedule
Monday, September 10 6:00-7:30 pm |
Evening at HAND Networking |
Our speaker will be Frank McKinley of Frankly Financial. Frank’s topic will be “Are You Listening?” Location: Costco, Route 10 West, East Hanover |
Tuesday, September 18 8:00-9:30 am |
Morning at HAND Networking |
Location: Oxford Learning Center, Pine Plaza, Route 10 East, Whippany |
Monday, October 8 6:00-7:30 pm |
Evening at HAND Networking |
Location: Costco, Route 10 West, East Hanover |
Tuesday, October 16 8:00-9:30 am |
Morning at HAND Networking |
Location: Oxford Learning Center, Pine Plaza, Route 10 East, Whippany |